Your brand, on your terms, the way you want it!

Our tracking devices can be white labelled to your own brand including your own brand website and own version of the tracking app. Whilst still benefiting from all the benefits of 24/7/365 monitoring from the Global Telemetrics including our own dedicated repatriations team if one of your brand’s vehicles should be stolen.


Thatcham Research established in 1969 with an aim of reducing the cost of motor insurance claims while keeping high safety standards. Thatcham, a ‘not for profit’ insurer funded research centre, holding a unique position as per their involvement with vehicle manufacturers, law enforcement organisations, automotive bodies and insurers providing a comprehensive view for vehicle research at the forefront of vehicle safety, security and repair.

Your branded device can have full Thatcham Certification

Thatcham Security Certification is a recognised platform for insurance companies and the automotive industry. The robust assessment of automotive security products are rigorously tested to predefined criteria to provide confidence in the products functionality, performance, and capabilities.

Within the tracking industry there are two different Thatcham Certification criteria, the highest standard of these is Thatcham S5. Take a look at the comparison chart below for the differences.

Description Fleet Thatcham S7 Thatcham S5 Rebranded
24/7 monitoring
Online account
Driver Detection card
D-iD app
Thatcham Certification
Bespoke branded emails and welcome pack
Branded billing platform for subscriptions
Product names